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When you are doing online shopping there are many actions you can take, such as taking an order, editing an order, changing the status of an order and changing the shipping date, to name a few. You can also print documents such as invoices, package sheets, e-mail confirmations and NAFT documents that are created dynamically for you.


An example of an invoice is a wholesale format that shows the columns of what was ordered on the one hand, what was sent and what was ordered again.

We have more than different invoice templates to select, including the commercial and distributor formats.

When you generate bills while taking an order, if there is an item that will be returned, Orderbot the product of Chatbots Services in pakistan will automatically create two invoices, one with items that are being sent now and the other will be a pending invoice that will be sent later.

Pending orders are not charged at the time of the order, but your customer will still know that you are getting them.


When you are ready, you can apply for a payment by clicking on the edit button and selecting ‘apply for payment’. Here you can put a check on the Payments, amount and press enter.

If you click on “apply for payment” you can pay the full amount or let’s say you only sent $ 500, then you can apply that part. Whenever you want to apply for a payment, it automatically becomes an order record orderBots the product of  Chatbots solutions in pakistan.

If you apply for the second payment, you can enter it and see that it will show the remaining balance. When you apply more than what you ordered, it will appear and let you know. ChatBots in pakistan  In that case, the payment applies and then creates a credit for excess payment for the balance.


The Orderbot where you can generate shipping labels. Here is an example of a multiple packet sending situation. Suppose you have three boxes; You can now use the supplier’s packaging, the present packaging or a custom dimension inside the Orderbot shipping box.

For three frames, you can click on the ‘split element’ button and move the elements between frames. Once this is done, Orderbot by Chatbots in pakistan will re-calculate the weight of each box and can now click on “generate labels”. This will generate three labels for a multiple packet shipment, it will give you cash level traceability and the tracking numbers are already associated with the orders. Mark the order as sent; then the confirmation will go to the client with those shipping numbers.

A multi-packet shipping feature is important because it is a shipment of three boxes, 1 of 3, 2 of 3 and 3 of 3. If you send three packages separately, package one, package 2, package 3 and shipment 1, shipment 2, shipping 3, then three separate shipments will end at a different price. Using the method of sending the muli package is a great way to save money for your company.

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