Insurance Analytics Solutions in pakistan

Insurance Analytics Solutions in pakistan

“Make quicker & better decisions with Bilytica Insurance Analytics services in pakistan”


The Insurance business is loaded down with data arranged for revealing and investigation – Claims, pay outs, premiums, and strategies. Every day, senior administrators in the Insurance business must make complex and basic business decisions that consider a wide cluster of execution measurements and market information.

Bilytica offers Insurance Analytics Solutions in pakistan to provide interactive reporting tools that incorporate the historic data and quick insights to estimate future premiums. The reports generated can be customized as per your needs and wants.

Fraud detection is also an added feature of Bilytica’s Insurance Analytics Solutions in pakistan. With the help of various Data visualizations Solutions in pakistan, Insurance Analytics helps you in outlining the outliers and any kind of suspicious data patterns in an organized and timely manner. It is also referred to as Insurance Broker Software in pakistan which provides with continuous monitoring of statuses, claim processing, claim patterns, fraud detection, forecasting etc. It streamlines the data which shows out-of-pattern behavior and immediately take actions in order to resolve it. Dashboards are at the user’s disposal 24/7 and provide specialized filters to find claims that fall outside normal bands, focusing your investigation in a specified direction. Bilytica Insurance Analytics assist in generating reports which are used for revenue comparisons which is also an essential for business organizations in order for them to make forward-looking decisions. Reports generated not only highlight the minimum and maximum pay outs but also group codes alphabetically to determine a region of interest.

We can help you to:

  • Understand how your business organization is performing.
  • Investigate claims patterns to recognize probable fraud.
  • Evaluate general portfolio risk profile in single dashboard.
  • Monitor claims processing status.
  • Generate reports for revenue comparisons.
  • Create estimating models that let you intuitively explore situations.

Claim Analysis

Does a claim submitted by a physician have a different claim paid ratio than those submitted by phone or web? You bet. Is it valuable to dig into these differences to make more informed decisions? Absolutely.

Insights help managers, brokers and administrators alike quickly identify where they can optimize call center resources, improve claims processing procedures and identify potentially fraudulent patterns.

Premium Forecasting

By utilizing Bilytica arrangements you can make an intuitive report truth is stranger than fiction for your requirements, you can rapidly be assessing your alternatives and future costs, not sitting tight for another round of investigation. Using historic data to estimate future premiums isn’t new. But creating an interactive report that facilitates quick insight to forecast these costs is not a common feature in most insurance reporting tools.

Don’t limit yourself to a slide deck that only shows top-line estimates or spend time wading through dozens of spreadsheet tabs looking for answers. By using Bilytica solutions you can create an interactive report that’s right for your needs, you can quickly be evaluating your options and future costs, not waiting for a new round of analysis. This sample report makes it intuitive to ask – and answer – real-time questions about how projected costs for an employer could vary based on several factors. Gender, age, region all affect estimated costs.

Fraud Detection

Quickly show outliers and suspicious patterns in your data. Bilytica’s arrangement let you indicate almost any information source and instantly start envisioning it to see conduct that is not right. Presently completely outfitted with the correct information, this can get the string of suspicious conduct and resolve it rapidly.

Revenue Comparisons

Year-to-year comparisons are a basic but essential element to insurance analysis. Agents, underwriters and managers alike rely on historical data to gather intelligence for forward-looking decisions. In this report, you can select a set of codes based on alphabetical grouping then determine a region of interest. The impact of a straightforward, yet interactive time series report such as this gives more information much faster than could be gleaned in a table.

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