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A lot has been spoken about the propagation of Smart phones and it is clear that organizations across the globe are implementing a strategy for the mobile applications to improve their operations. In 2013 is was estimated that “25% of the enterprises will have Enterprise App stores by 2017”.
I thought I would be good idea to start New Year with a discussion of HR the end of 2016 HRMS developers rushed to provide HRIS mobile apps to house a workforce that demands access to the data they need on time. The adaptation of BYOD and increase in the smart phones, tablets and new phablets makes Mobile HRMS as one of the quickest way to improve productivity. In 2016 38% of the organizations planned to stop providing company devices, and to implement enterprise apps including Mobile HRMS applications .At the start of 2017 according to the search 52% CXO’s of the major enterprises got HR mobility in their immediate “To Do list”.
So the trend of mobile HR is on the increase because most of the enterprises maintain optimum personal strength for doing business processing, which means that staff members have enough burden during working hours already. Applying for leave and time sheet submission can overwhelm them. That’s why most of the employee keep their work pending till the last date. This calls for the need for a Mobile HRMS for self-service HR Processing so that employee can access from anywhere at any time.
HR is a science with a lot of operational activities. During the process of the mobility of HR the most difficult task was to choose all functionality that should be selected initially for getting quick services of the Mobile HRMS. We need to choose right functionalities that are really vital for Mobile HRMS like feature that make possible for employee to access it frequently, HR operations that are important for employee on daily basis and activities that personnel want to perform outside the office.
On the basis of above given factors we need to prefer such HR Software that provide Mobile HR feature. Now most of the HR software are providing this feature as the trend in business processing is moving towards mobile processing. PeopleQlik is a product that provide this technique with some extra exciting feature. Its Mobile HRMS provide absence management – apply & approve leave, employee profile & directory, view and download, time reporting, travel request and Reimbursement.

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