
Lumber and Land Management



Melbourne, Australia





Erpisto Solution

Erpisto for Distribution


Business Challenge

Tier 1 system already in operation was too complex and it cannot be customized to match the company needs



Flexible and easy to use ERP solution that is made to match the company needs with customization

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Business Benefits

  • Effective and efficient implementation plan
  • Robust reporting with effective customization
  • Reduction in IT staff by offering better services to users
  • No Paper work required
  • ROI achievement in less than 3 years after the implementation
  • Low Operating cost


Zenla Company was incorporated in Melbourne in 1957 and they started their work by producing egg cases. They produced lumber which produces 14 million board feet per year approximately. Zenla continued to grow through acquisitions and they kept on focusing the high quality production, hard wood lumber and other operations. Company maintains balance through careful selection of trees and management of timberlands to produce the high quality lumber. Zenla has made numerous mills and working to meet the needs of the local and international market.


Bigger implementation is not always better

Tier 1 system currently running was too big but lacks the flexibility and it was almost unmanageable to find something better suited to business needs. After having a look at the system it was concluded that Erpisto can best meet the unique business requirements of the company. It took three months to complete the implementation and company experience immediate ROI. Erpisto for distribution let them manage their precious natural resource perfectly.


100% Efficiency to Streamline Operations of Organization

Erpisto has improved the business processes through low cost of operation and overhead. IT Department at Zenla gets able to implement the management plans more efficiently and effectively which results in fast working. Erpisto is an easy to use solution and result in huge cost savings for the company.



Every Business Is Unique Along with Its Requirements

Zenla works in a dynamic business setting and they cannot manage their operations like a typical manufacturer distributor who put orders together and ship them out. They can now track what types of wood will be able for hardwood flooring products. Sales team reserves product through Erpisto for distribution which links up products and customers. Production and sales teams can keep good grasp of changing inventory and product and maintain real time availability.


Efficient Business Processes Make Operations Efficient   

Zenla Company has very unique business needs and Erpisto solution for distribution makes business process manageable which reduce processing time by almost one-tenth. Erpisto utilized highly flexible framework which also include an integrated platform for customized reporting. Zenla now has complete visibility and control over business decisions and compliance with complete access to all the information they want throughout the ERP system.



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